About CMS Garden

Why did we create this project? Does the world really need yet another open source project? Decide for yourself if these are relevant tasks that should be taken care of:

  • Show capabilities of open souce CMS
  • present respectable alternatives to closed-source software
  • support decision-makers
  • learn from each other instead of re-inventing the wheel.

Whether you are just curious of even plan to set up a CMS Garden intiative in your country - read all about the assets and the beginnings ... the Garden

Instead of waiting for the target groups to show up at our own events, we go to the events they do actually attend.

A box with CMS Gardener's Guides. Cover with english titel and - turned around - german title

CMS decision maker's handbook

The first dedicated publication to give a fair overview about strengths and weaknesses of the CMSs.

Apart from the public relations activities, CMS Garden fosters dedicated projects since 2015. The focus is on the security of open source content management systems, partly in cooperation with other...

Bulb in dark lighting some nearby leaves

Frequently asked questions

Of course you have questions. We have the answers.

Prefer to lean back?

In case you understand German, watch David Jardin's talk at WordCamp Cologne 2015 to learn more about CMS Garden.