Events-related activities

Our target groups

Decision makers, web editors, marketeers, IT administrators, web hosters, press, bloggers, government, young talents. We also reach those who are not (yet) involved in open source communitites, like developers, designers, usability experts, project managers, web agencies ...

They all have a common interest in content management systems – in one way or the other. They deal with the question whether to decide for open source and if so, which system to choose. Or they are pondering over whether and how to support or develop their favored system with their respective skills.

Trade fairs and conferences

There are many trade fairs and conferences our target groups go to. CMS Garden gathers ambassadors at exhibition booths to help visitors make educated decisions. We are regularly present at IT-related trade fairs and on open source-related conferences.

This is how it began

Our first project was the 90 sqm. booth at the international IT trade fair CeBIT in March 2013 in Hannover/Germany. It was a launch with a big bang: the media and the audience immediately understood the relevancy of such a project: Go there - compare! A non-profit booth with voluntary consultants means a real, unpersuaded choice.

CMS Garden was mentioned among the "top ten CeBIT highlights" even before the trade fair started, even before we had built a serious website.

CMS conferences and camps

Sulu for example prefer going to established CMS events over organizing their own conference. We have many members who have a long-term habit attending camps of "befriended" CMS and giving talks there.

CMS Garden irregularly organizes and info booth to inform about common interests and working groups.

Barcamps + Meetups

The annual Open Web Lounge (formerly known as CMS Unconference) invites community members and users of all open source content management systems to share learnings, present solutions and collaborate.

There are CMS-related open source meetups in several cities, especially where $cms meetups lost momentum.

Consultation hour

Last but not least, CMS Garden invites everyone interested in free and open source CMS to attend the monthly CMS Consultation hour. Our ambassadors are happy to answer your questions.

CMS consultation by CMS Garden, background illustration: CMS logos on signposts in a meadow in front a sunrise-colored sky

Happy to help

Our volunteer experts are happy to answer your question in an upcoming online consultation hour. Check the upcoming dates!