Legal information

Legal entity

CMS Garden e. V.
Osloer Straße 17
13359 Berlin

Executive board: Stephan Luckow, Meike Jung, Maik Derstappen
Extended board: Petra Hasenau, Thomas Schäfer-Tertilt
VAT ID: DE 29 50 97 293
Register: Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg
Register n°: VR 33004 B


Unless otherwise noted, all text on this website is published under the license Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) or higher versions. This means: you are welcome to copy and re-use as long as you mention CMS Garden as the source and publish under this very license.

All brands/trademarks and logos are the property of their respective owners, are used here for information purposes only and are not licensed under Creative Commons (unless otherwise indicated elsewhere, please do your own research). The use in derivative works of logos, illustrations, screenshots, advertisements and service provider directory entries is subject to approval.

Please take notice of licenses and copyright owners attached to images. And contact us if you notice any errors.


  • System: OpenCulturas based on Drupal
  • Developed by: CoWAIN
  • Implementation, Customizations, Design: Meike Jung
  • A lot of texting: Kati Faude, Meike Jung, Stephan Luckow. Tranlations partially assisted by AI Sidekick.
  • Photography: see attributions attached to the respective image
  • Maps: Leaflet + OpenStreetMap contributors
  • Typography: Cuprum by Jovanny Lemonad, Open Sans family by Steve Matteson (and thanks for the logotype to Vic Fieger)