Jens Pelzetter

Full member @ CMS Garden



27404 Zeven

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Magazine articles written

Event summary

Web for all Conference 2020 and the Web Conference 2020

A retrospective

The Web Conference is one of most important conferences for research about the web. As part of this large conference the Web for All conference takes place, one of the most important conferences about...

Jens Pelzetter
Publication date
Tho people lying on a wooden floor in sunlight, one is typing single-handed on a laptop computer, the other is lying on her back, reading on a smartphone

„Blind people are not our target audience“

Why accessibility for everyone actually affects—well, everyone

If you have ever planned a website you might have heard about accessibility before. You might have even noted “accessible system” as a requirement, and by doing so you have checked it off a list? We...

Jens Pelzetter
Publication date