The Conference about the PHP framework Symfony addresses experienced developers as well as newcomers. Whether you are a died-in-the-wool Symfony developer, have a PHP background and want to widen your knowledge or work with one of the CMS that chose to base their codebase on parts of Symfony (like...
Drupal Business Day is a one-day conference focusing on Drupal from a business perspective. Although they may be in competition with each other, Drupal agencies are part of the same community and work on joint projects. There will be sessions, discussions and working groups.
LinuxTag sees itself as part of the free software movement, and promotes this community to an exceptional degree by supporting the numerous open source projects. LinuxTag offers these projects an opportunity to present their software, their concepts and thus the entire project to the public in an...
Seit dem Jahr 2006 veranstaltete das RRZE den Webkongress Erlangen und lädt hierzu alle zwei Jahre Fachleute aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum versammeln, um über Innovatives und Bemerkenswertes aus der Welt der IT zu sprechen. Dank der langjährigen Kontakte des RRZE zu fachkundigen Webentwicklern und...
WordCamps are informal, community-organized events that are put together by WordPress users like you. Everyone from casual users to core developers participate, share ideas, and get to know each other.