Outdated CMS information - can you please update?

The page on $cms is quite outdated. Please update the information.

The CMS portraits, like most other content on this website, is a community contribution. We do not have a dedicated editor team for keeping all content up to date.

Ways to solve your issue:

  1. Find someone in the $cms community who might be in charge of keeping such information up to date and contact this person. This might be a community delegate in the CMS Garden advisory board or someone from the marketing team who is already aware of this content and simply did not find the time.
  2. Offer your help. It often needs not too many changes. Make sure to have review rounds with your $cms community to provide an update that is not solely relying on your personal knowledge.

Historical content

We have seen some communities come and go. Admittedly it takes some ressources to regularly contribute to your CMS's visibility in CMS Garden. (But then again, much less than doing all the marketing by yourselves.) Some active contributors turned to other priorities over the years (no hard feelings, we fully understand that) and did not manage to find a replacement.

In case you found a totally outdated CMS portrait and cannot raise volunteer time in your community, please contact us with this information. We will make sure that the content is not being promoted any longer and will be marked outdated. Any inbound links will still work and at least still have the links to your community assets. We think this is more helpful for your CMS than a broken link.