To update our CMS portrait, what is expected?

I have been appointed by our community to help update the $cms chapter. What do you want me to do, where should I start?

  1. Make sure you have access to our cloud storage. When in doubt, send an email to our editors team through our contact form.
  2. Update the chapter text. You’ll find an excerpt PDF of the last issue in the cloud (CMS Gardener’s Guide > yyyy_Updates). Please use PDF commenting tools. Add your contact information as first comment.
    In case you cannot find any way to provide PDF comments, create a plain text list with changes, referencing page/column/paragraph). Futher info can be found in the Editorial Guidelines.
  3. The same for additions/changes to glossary, abbreviations, and imprint.
  4. Chapter illustrations to replace current ones - see Editorial Guidelines
  5. Update the Matrix, too (please follow the notes regarding colored cells there). You’ll find the link to the Google spreadsheet in a text file in the cloud.
  6. Compare updated matrix figures to the “characteristics” information in the CMS chapter, add PDF comments accordingly.
  7. Feel free to delete pages that are not subject of your changes. 
  8. Save under a specific name ([cms]-changes_yyyy-mm-dd.pdf) and copy back to the cloud (same folder).

And how about the website then?

Your online chapter will not be updated until we are through with the print review workflow. We might still need to discuss changes and we want to spare you double effort.

You will find review comments in your comments PDF. Once we issued the info that the book has gone to print, you can use that to update the portrait on the website.