What does the "application" require?

Our community is aware of the required efforts. We want to join. What's next?

Awesome, welcome to the Garden! We are happy about every growing plant.

That's what we expect from your part:

  • At least three contact persons speaking for your CMS. That may be a team of equals or a main delegate with deputies, up to you. But each of you should feel and show responsible for your CMS's continuity.
  • Discuss in what ways/by what activities you will support CMS Garden (discussion should include an organizational membership) and let us know.
  • Start talking to us via forum or chat: Tools und communication channels of the CMS Garden community
  • Write a matter-of-factly editorial portrait of your CMS that is suitable for print in the next CMS Gardener's Guide. Take e. g. the Joomla! Portrait as a model. We are striving to have bilingual versions for every country the book is published in. For the time being that's English/German so please be ready to provide a German translation after the review process of the initial text. Have a look at the characteristics of different participating CMS and gather as many facts + figures as possible.
  • Approaching the print deadline, we will regularly (yearly) ask you to fill in a complex "matrix". There is no online version of that yet. You will get access to a spreadsheet in time.
  • Provide 2 to 4 screenshots that give a good impression of your CMS's back-end. A further 3 screenshots should show lighthouse examples of websites/applications created with your CMS. Further screenshots welcome. Make sure you have permission to use those screenshots for general marketing purposes.
  • Your CMS' logo as vector (CMYK), SVG (RGB), and pixel graphics (min. 300 px width, RGB).

Once you have all material at hand, contact us via the contact form ("Support for CMS Garden"). We will get back to you with directions on how/where to submit the files. As soon as the editors had a look, you will get feedback. We count this as your "application" and will discuss your CMS's presentation on the next general meeting. But by then we will for sure be in regular communication.