

WCAG 3.0 - a first look

What we are up to with the next version of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines are being revised. We took a look at the status of version 3. There will be major changes.

Dennis Westphal
Publication date
Tho people lying on a wooden floor in sunlight, one is typing single-handed on a laptop computer, the other is lying on her back, reading on a smartphone

„Blind people are not our target audience“

Why accessibility for everyone actually affects—well, everyone

If you have ever planned a website you might have heard about accessibility before. You might have even noted “accessible system” as a requirement, and by doing so you have checked it off a list? We...

Jens Pelzetter
Publication date
The campaign key visual shows a building made of ones and zeros, circulated by arrows, abstract coins falling from top into the roof

Public Money - Public Code

CMS Garden supports the FSFE campaign

CMS Garden supports the Free Software Foudation's campaign. For the benefit of us all.

CMS Garden
Publication date
mood pic

Ist ein Verein zur Unterstützung von OpenSource-Software gemeinnützig?

J&Beyond ./. Finanzamt

2012 hat das zuständige Finanzamt in Aachen die Steuererklärung von J&Beyond e.V. für das Jahr 2010 nicht anerkannt und dem Verein die reduzierte Besteuerung verweigert. Der J&Beyond e.V. hat als...

Maik Derstappen
Stephan Luckow
Publication date
Abbildung: Titel des Magazins und erste Doppelseite des Artikels

Strictly confidential

Why tools like Skype are no sensible choice when you have signed an NDA

Raising awareness for the topic in the current issue of Screenguide

Stephan Luckow
Publication date