Drupal Austria Board Member, Mautic Community Lead Secretary, drupalCamp Vienna and Drupal Developer DaysD Organizer, CodeWeekEU Ambassador, ArsElectronica artist, Open Minds Award initiator, Founder & CEO of acolono GmbH
The current funding round's developers present their projects at the Demo Day. The Prototype Fund is the first low-threshold funding program for independent developers and small teams developing innovative open source software with social value.
Barcamp on the topic of video for open source community events
The TV Camp was launched in 2018 by the German WordPress community. The focus is on the cross-community exchange of experience/knowledge and the joint development of solutions. Naturally in a relaxed atmosphere and as an open format (no predetermined programme). hardware software playout platforms...
The marketing automation tool Mautic (FOSS, self-hostable) is a perfect supplement for all CMS. The world-wide Mautic community organizes regular online and in-person conferences with a low threshold for everyone interested in the usage and further advancement of the software. Meet users...
Seit dem Jahr 2006 veranstaltete das RRZE den Webkongress Erlangen und lädt hierzu alle zwei Jahre Fachleute aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum versammeln, um über Innovatives und Bemerkenswertes aus der Welt der IT zu sprechen. Dank der langjährigen Kontakte des RRZE zu fachkundigen Webentwicklern und...
This years Cloudfest Hackathon takes place in Europapark Rust. CMS Garden added a project to the list. This project aims to give you a clear overview of where our tax money is going. We looked at...
More efficiency and quality in the development process
It could also be about Corporate Identity (CI) and Corporate Design (CD), but this article explains the buzzword of modern software development. It's all about improving quality and speed.
Mit der Online-Verananstaltung haben wir mit 130 Teilnehmenden über die 2 Tage im Oktober einen neuen Besucher*innenrekord aufgestellt. Wir wurden von verschiedenen Seiten gebeten, noch einmal...
The Web Conference is one of most important conferences for research about the web. As part of this large conference the Web for All conference takes place, one of the most important conferences about...