Meike Jung

IT consultant

Meike has expertise in concepts, requirements engineering, project management, UX, and frontend design for web applications. Often involved in preparation and support of public tenders.

She is editor-in-chief of the CMS Gardener's Guide ever since the first edition, founding member and currently deputy chairwoman of the CMS Garden association.

Active since
August 1998
Full member @ CMS Garden

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Magazine articles written

A large waterdrop is bending the tip of a grass leaf


More efficiency and quality in the development process

It could also be about Corporate Identity (CI) and Corporate Design (CD), but this article explains the buzzword of modern software development. It's all about improving quality and speed.

Meike Jung
AI Sidekick
Publication date

Upgrade von Drupal 7 auf Drupal 9

Gute Planung ist die halbe Umsetzung

Die Uhr tickt, die Lebensdauer von Version 7 des Content-Management-Frameworks Drupal läuft ab. Höchste Zeit, das Upgrade zu planen.

Meike Jung
Publication date
Sketch: Speaker in front of beamer screen, both cluttered with sponsor logos

6 Golden Rules for Sponsoring Open Source

Sponsoring open source events is generally a good idea but it has some pitfalls. This post will help you avoid the most common misconceptions.

Meike Jung
Publication date
Black longsleeve shirt with an image placeholder left to text that is cut to fit in height
Web projects

Design is not a concept

Form follows function

Design is important. But it should not replace functional specifications. Because if it tries, more often than not it will cause conflicts.

Meike Jung
Aline Skibitzki
Publication date
Schwarzweißfoto einer Gruppe von Kindern im Laufdress mit Startnummern auf der Brust, ein Kind rennt vor den anderen los

Das Bundesverfassungsgericht und die "Computerpanne"

Aufgrund einer "Computerpanne" wurde eine Entscheidung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts vorfristig bekannt. Was das Content-Management-System damit zu tun hat ...

Meike Jung
Publication date

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