Which is the best CMS?
Which is the best CMS?
WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal, TYPO3 ... now which one is the best CMS?
Easy answer: the one that best meets your requirements ;-) No kidding – there is no such thing as an overall "best" content management system. It depends on (among other aspects): your expectations your editors' experience special features for exactly your use-case of course, your budget We are happy to give you advice how to compare one CMS to another after all: How to approach the question whether WordPress or Joomla! are better suited for your company website or how to work on your requirements to compare ScientificCMS vs. Plone for a university platform. Have a look at our Event calendar...
Should we change the CMS with the relaunch?
Should we change the CMS with the relaunch?
You already guessed the answer: it depends. Ask yourself the following questions: How much worth is your team's routine with the current tool? Where are the major pain points? (For example, It's impossible to offer files for download, It's too time-consuming to build a teaser the way we want it ...) Are you sure the pain points cannot be solved with your current CMS - or have you simply never had the budget for enhancements? What features would you really miss if the future CMS would not have them? (Important, because often you don't what you got 'til it's gone) With those answers listed you...
Which CMS serve accessibility?
Which CMS serve accessibility?
In the big picture, all of them do. Open source communities know the importance of diversity and had answers for all aspects of accessibility very early on. Fun fact: pure HTML has been accessible (and adaptive) from the very beginnings. If we don't mess it up with fancy requirements, it still can be. Of course, when customers decide to value features over accessibility, it may happen that their final design is just as good as they allowed it to become. You must stress that you mean your project to be accessible in every aspect and you should be ready to "kill your darlings" (cute little...
Which CMS allow for responsive design?
Which CMS allow for responsive design?
Our web pages should be presented in a reasonable manner on smartphones, too. Our current CMS obviously cannot produce that. Which CMS are optimized for all screen sizes?
All of them do. Fun fact again: pure HTML has been adaptive to any screen size (and accessible) from the very beginnings. Of course, some bad decisions could be made with any CMS, for example buying a cheap design layer that is not responsible. Or nagging your service provider to force a certain minimum screen width ... we have seen a lot. But the result is not the fault of the software ;-)
Are open source CMS insecure?
Are open source CMS insecure?
Counter question: are you asking because you have heard about a security vulnerability in, for example, Plone, TYPO3 or Drupal? See, that's the good thing about open source: it can be analyzed and vulnerabilities can be found. You need not be concerned. News about open source software vulnerabilities usually come out when a security patch/release is available. That's why it is so important to keep your software updated. If you have a 10 years old version of Plone, TYPO3 or Drupal (for example) unmaintained out in the wild, you can bet they have vulnerabilities. The same is true for...
Are proprietary (closed source) CMS insecure?
Are proprietary (closed source) CMS insecure?
Yes, that's a very good question. Simply put, we do not know for sure. The reason is pretty often a shameful one: the terms of license usually disallow the public disclosure of security issues, not even mentioning a found vulnerability that has not been fixed for years after notice. On the other hand – no software has ever been bullet-proof. Sooner or later you'll get an update for every software you run. You'd better be concerned if you didn't (maybe gone unmaintained?) If you have ever heard of a software that gets "updates" but never "security releases", be sure the software producer has an...