Should we change the CMS with the relaunch?

You already guessed the answer: it depends. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • How much worth is your team's routine with the current tool?
  • Where are the major pain points? (For example, It's impossible to offer files for download, It's too time-consuming to build a teaser the way we want it ...)
  • Are you sure the pain points cannot be solved with your current CMS - or have you simply never had the budget for enhancements?
  • What features would you really miss if the future CMS would not have them? (Important, because often you don't what you got 'til it's gone)

With those answers listed you'll have a good starting point for an evaluation matrix. If you already have another CMS on the shortlist, contact your current service provider and one specialist for the other CMS for a rough cost estimate. Or you could hire a requirements engineer for an elaboration of your list to get more precise offers.

You are also welcome to visit our consultation hour and talk with our volunteer experts about pros and cons.

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