Open Web Lounge

The annual CMS UnConference

Moved online

This year as an online event, fully powered by self-hosted free and open source software (i. e. no Zoom & Co):

Get ready for online participation

We will be using open source tools (self-hosted). Some of these require a registration. Please register your account at now, free of charge

Register your account

The setup

  • BigBlueButton (with BBB at Scale): One "Room" per Track. User account required for speakers or audience participation. If you prefer, you can watch the stream without registration.
  • Rocketchat (requires a registered account)
    • Open channels for each track "room", for example #200 for "Room 200"
    • Urgent announcements during the event in #general (the "lobby" channel). Just to have an independent tool in the unlikely case of a complete videoconferencing breakdown.
  • CodiMD pad: Collaborative markdown session notes for each room. Share links or even screenshots for discussion or as show notes. The pads will be accessible by everyone who has the link. But only registered users can write.
  • Kanban board for session planning.

Further links

The offical CMS Garden conference is an UnConference or BarCamp: Any session (prepared or spontaneously) will be announced informally.

You may announce your topic wishlist as well. Usually there will be someone willing to hold a lecture on it. We know from many common activities that it need no more organization than this for a fertile sharing of expertise.

Let yourself be inspired, educated, enthused!


Bring your (!) own topics, no matter if you can hold a lecture, just want to suggest a session topic or invite to a discussion. Suggest your topic at OpenSpacer. Here's some inspiration:

  • security and safety
  • technical talk about your favorite cms/extension
  • success story about how you customers benefit from open source applications
  • multilanguage concepts
  • agile project management
  • offer calculation
  • multiple-device design
  • APIs
  • accessibility
  • privacy
  • sustainable community-building
  • usability
  • test-driven development
  • WordPress, Plone, Drupal, ScientificCMS, Joomla!, Contao, TYPO3, Sulu, Neos, CONTENIDO, Umbraco... or any other wonderful open source cms... what do they have in common, what are the differences, how to evaluate...

Friendliness, respect, and fun are always present. Feel welcome to join!


You'd like to support this UnConference? Please contact

And what about the CMS UnConference?

When we organized a barcamp inside Drupal Europe back in 2018 and borrowed the name "OpenWebLounge" from an Automattic booth concept it made "click". We decided to use this much more welcoming name for the same thing.

More about this: see OpenWebLounge at Drupal Europe.


See all about


Attendance mode


